The Encyclopedia of Natural Insect and Disease Control helps you tell just what's ailing your plants; it then suggets natural controls — safe alternatives to toxic dusts and sprays.
Each plant entry describes major pests and diseases, many of them illustrated with color photographs or line drawings. The controls first stress preventing trouble, and then recommend sterner measures. This book tells you how to:
~Protect crops by interplanting with herbs, flowers, or even other crops
~Take advantage of bugs' natural cycles so that crops grow when the bugs are not around
~Select resistant varieties
~Keep weeds and wildlife from reclaiming the garden
~Use the latest biological controls — insects, mites, and pathogens that give lasting control
Some of these controls are centuries old. Others have just been developed. Around the world, researchers and growers alike are discovering effective nonchemical measures, some sophisticated and others simply accomplished with garden tools. Thousands of controls, new nad traditional, are presented in this easy-to-use-encyclopedia.