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Carol Gelles is an award-winning cookbook author who has Type II adult-onset diabetes. She has written a number of health-conscious cookbooks, and her new one stands out in the diabetes field. The recipes in "The Ultimate Diabetes Cookbook" can be tailored to the specific needs of diabetics with other health problems, such as heart conditions, renal (kidney) conditions, and hypertension. For example, a diabetic with heart disease (a common condition) can use Gelles's book to turn a basic recipe into one that is also low-fat. Diabetics who suffer from high blood pressure will find plenty of Iow-sodium alternatives. There are a number of low-protein variations of recipes for kidney patients.Although there are numerous diabetes cookbooks on the market, none has yet dealt with "complex" diabetes. Each recipe is accompanied by a helpful Nutritional Summary Box, with indications of which nutrients are high or low in the recipe. In addition, the American Diabetic Association exchanges are listed in the back of the book. All recipes will, of course, be suitable for the diabetic without other health complications.
Building on her cooking background, Carol Gelles has created more than 250 recipes that are not only healthy but also delicious. The book contains appetizers; soups; entrees; salads; side dishes; desserts; and breakfast as well as detailed nutritional tables in the back. Recipes include Roasted Red Peppers with Fennel Salad and Pignoli, Shrimp Remoulade, Mango Gazpacho, Teriyaki Salmon, Pesto Grilled Chicken Breast, Hungarian Braised Pot Roast, and Maple Glazed Bananas. Now diabetics with and without complications can enjoy a wide variety of flavorful recipes specifically tailoredto their health needs.