“The Cat Who Came for Christmas arrived on the day I was home between two overseas trips and my desk was piled high…But one-and-a-half hours later I was still reading about that darned cat. It is that kind of book. That kind of cat, too.” –Walter Cronkite
It was, of all things, a white Christmas Eve, when Cleveland Amory, self-confessed curmudgeon and confirmed dog-owner, found himself standing in a deserted alley trying to rescue a dirty, injured, starving, decidedly unfriendly cat. The result of this encounter is the subject of The Cat Who Came for Christmas. it tells the enchanting story of Amory, who undergoes the transition from a life of independence to a life of being cat-owned. With glimpses of Amory’s cat’s memorable meetings with notables such as George C. Scott and Cary Grant, and fascinating tidbits about the history of cats, this is an irresistible book for cat-lovers and non-cat-lovers alike.