Dickens' most beloved story, "A Christmas Carol," is as much a part of a traditional Christmas as mistletoe, carolers, and candlelight processions. Read publicly on Christmas Eve each year by Dickens himself, this heartwarming tale continues to stir in everyone the same feelings of repentance, forgiveness, and love that transformed Scrooge from his grumbling "Bah! Humbug!" to sharing Tiny Tim's happy "God Bless Us, Every One!" Dickens' other Christmas stories in this wonderful collection also evoke both the gloom of those who lack Christmas spirit and the joy of those who raise a wassail cup to goodwill toward men. "A Christmas Tree" richly describes a Victorian Christmas as seen through a child's delighted eyes. "Christmas Dinner" celebrates the moving reunion of a divided family, and the Christmas chapter from The Pickwick Papers moves from the exhilaration of a Christmas wedding to a shivery ghost story that eerily foreshadows the Christmas Eve spirits seen by Ebenezer Scrooge. Warmly nostalgic and beautifully written, the Christmas stories of Charles Dickens deserve a very special place in our memories and our hearts. - from back cover.