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Habitudes for Life-Giving Leaders: The Art of Spiritual Leadership [Faith Based] by Tim Elmore

Condition Details: Paperback in Very Good condition.



This latest addition to the Habitudes series is a unique resource designed specifically for ministries and faith-based schools. It defines the type of young leader who is effective at transforming communities and having a positive influence on others. The leadership principles in this resource help shape a leader who is both instructive and inspiring. More than just behaviors, they represent an entirely different spirit, style and approach to leadership. When practiced, your leaders and teams will become the best version of themselves. Habitudes is a breakthrough way to teach leadership principles to today's changing student. The Art of Spiritual Leadership uses the power of images, conversations, and experiences to help students and young adults: - Lead in a way that energizes and inspires team members. - Understand how to integrate spiritual promptings in your leadership. - Listen and understand others through empathy and compassion. - Offer hard feedback that elicits more effort rather than hurt feelings from others. - Stand out as humble, servant-leaders in a power-hungry world. - Mobilize team members to become the best version of themselves.