Have you ever wished you'd saved all the good advice you've received for the times you needed it most? In this brand-new collection from the pages of O, The Oprah Magazine, 93 contributors reveal what they know for sure about finding lasting happiness, making meaningful connections, getting through tough times in one piece, and giving a little something back to our communities and our world.
Whether you need a gentle nudge or a friendly-butfirm push in the right direction, the 106 motivating articles in Love Your Life! will give you the tools to live with purpose. You'll hear from award-winning writers (Elizabeth Gilbert, Amy Bloom, Anne Lamott, Junot Díaz), acclaimed entertainers (Ellen DeGeneres, Tina Fey, Jay-Z), and inspiring leaders (Michelle Obama, Donna Brazile). And of course, O's in-house panel of experts is on hand with indispensable Dr. Oz distills the ten most important facts about your health you'll ever need to know, Dr. Phil gets your relationships back in shape, Suze Orman clears the way to financial freedom, and Martha Beck escorts you out of whatever rut you may be stuck in. As Oprah says, "When your life is on course with its purpose, you are your most powerful."