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On Becoming Baby Wise: The Classic Reference Guide Utilized by Over 1,000,000 Parents Worldwide by Gary Ezzo, Robert Bucknam



Softcover in Good Condition

With over 2½ million books in print On Becoming Babywise continues to gain international recognition for its immensely sensible approach to parenting a newborn. Now in its 18th year of continuous print runs, and translated into 12 languages, the infant management plan offered by Gary Ezzo and Dr. Robert Bucknam successfully and naturally helps infants synchronize their feeding time, waketime and nighttime cycles. The results? Happy, healthy and contented babies who sleep through the night on average between seven and nine weeks of age. The authors demonstrate how order and stability are mutual allies of every newborn’s metabolism and how parents can take advantage of these biological propensities. In particular, they note how an infant’s body responds to the influences of parental routine or the lack thereof. In the latter chapters, the author’s explore the everyday aspects of infant management. Included is an explanation of the three basic elements of daytime activities for newborns: feeding time, waketime, and naptime. On Becoming Babywise is more than an infant-management concept--it is a mindset for responsible parenthood. The principles presented will help any parent develop a plan that meets both the needs of a new baby and of the entire family. This plan will not leave mom ragged at the end of the day or in bondage to her child, and dad will not be excluded from his duties. These principles have worked for thousands of parents and, when faithfully applied, will also work wonderfully for you!